Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Despite falling midweek and rain in the forecast, we managed to get the boys out for trick or treating for a good solid hour. This year Cruz was a handsome fireman and Lucas was a Dalmatian! They were such a cute little pair. Happy Halloween everyone!
Lucas hates hats but obliged for Halloween!
Trick or treat!
Alot of the excitement is just ringing the doorbell

A tiny trick or treater
Love my little guys!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Happy birthday Lucas!

I blinked and Lucas went from being a newborn to a feisty little one year old! His first year went by much quicker than Cruz's and I think that's the way things go once you move on to multiple kids. There is so much going on all the time that the days, weeks, and months seem to move at warp speed. Nevertheless, here we are celebrating my baby boy's milestone birthday =) 

His birthday fell on a Wednesday so it was a regular work day for us, but I wanted to still do a little celebration at home with just us 4. I grew up with the tradition of eating noodles on our birthdays to symbolize a long life, so I picked up chow mein from our fave chinese place. Lucas had never had it before and loved eating the noodles and broccoli.

Instead of a cake I opted for chocolate cupcakes, which was another first for the birthday boy.

After Cruz helped blow out the candle, we let Lucas have at it with the cupcake. To our surprise, he didn't shovel it in his mouth like we expected. Instead he played with the frosting and got it all over his hands like he was finger painting!

Squishy icing
Finally takes a taste after manhandling the cupcake
Not bad...
He definitely had more fun smashing the cake than eating it!

The following Saturday we had a big Little Monster-themed birthday bash at my dad's house. Pics to come in a future post. There was a time when I didn't know if I wanted to have a second child or not. And while I believe that we have a hand in how our life turns out, I also believe that some things are our destiny. I am so thankful that it was my destiny to be so blessed a second time with my son Lucas. He is a mama's boy and I cherish every minute with him. Happy birthday to my baby!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cruz's Thoughts on Halloween

Saw this at Cruz's parent-teacher conference tonight. I love it!