So what am I going to do for 8 weeks you ask? Well here are all the things I want to do (in no particular order):
1. Travel
2. Sleep 8 hours a night, plus daytime naps
3. Read (I have 3 books on my nightstand patiently waiting)
4. Paint the front room of my house
5. Start furnishing the same front room
6. Shop for a formal dining table
7. Exercise daily
8. Organize all my arts & craft supplies
9. Clean out and organize the playroom closet
10. Write/blog daily
11. Make a photo book with pictures of the kids from 2013
12. Start a 2014 photo book of the kids
13. Go on day trips with the kids
14. Enlarge and frame photos for my home
15. Visit with friends
16. Watch the Breaking Bad series (and other much-talked about shows)
17. Bake all the things I never have time for
18. Cook all the things I never have time for
19. Call/write to friends who I have not connected with in a long time and who do not live nearby
20. Host a BBQ get together with my neighbors
Ambitious? Yes. Unrealistic? Probably. In my defense, I usually live life cramming in as much as possible into my waking hours, so it's hard to break the habit. I also have never had this much time off that didn't also include birthing a child. See what I'm sayin'?
Anyways, at end of the 8 weeks we'll debrief and see what did and didn't get accomplished. In the meantime I am going to savor every minute, try to forget about work, and enjoy this major blessing. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take a nap now :)
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