Saturday, September 4, 2010

First pony ride

August was here and gone so quickly that I'm behind in posting - in any case, mid-August we joined Hilarie's Helpful Hints (a mom's group that I'm a member of ) at Play Cafe in Oakland. It's another fun indoor play space for kids. On this day there was a special event being featured - pony rides and a petting zoo, so we knew we couldn't miss it.

This was Cruz's very first time riding a pony and he was pretty stoic the whole time. As we waited our turn in line he started to get cold feet and said he didn't want to ride, but when our turn came I asked him if he wanted to go for a ride and he nodded his head, silently yes. His pony's name was Pixie and it was a short round trip ride the length of the parking lot, and Cruz looked concerned the whole time! Part way through I asked him if he was having fun, and he said "yeah" but still had a furrowed brow. He never once cracked a smile.

Now looking back, I'll have to tell Cruz that his very first pony ride was in a parking lot in Oakland...not exactly the great outdoors!

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