Sunday, July 1, 2012

Berry Picking

Yesterday I took Cruz and Lucas on their very first berry picking trip! My friend Caroleen recommended Impossible Acres, in Davis. It's a small, family owned farm that has raspberries, a wide variety of blackberries (marionberry, ollalieberry and early) and even peach, plum and apricot trees. I've never gone berry picking myself so I was pretty excited! Dad, Ate and the two girls came along too. It was a beautiful summer day, with clear blue skies and warm June sunshine.
Jessie and Cruz begin the hunt.
Pretty blackberries, still ripening.
Dad and Lucas enjoying the sunshine.
The gal at the register told us when we checked in that there were less berries due to the warmer, drier winter we had this year. In addition, I think we may be late to the fruit harvesting party - the fruit was few and far between, so we definitely had to work for what we found. It even turned into something akin to an Easter egg hunt - the kids would shout out "I found one!" whenever they spotted some elusive fruit!
Berry picking is serious business.
Taking a break in the cool shade.
The fruits of our labor - literally!
Since it was our first fruit picking experience, the kids didn't have anything for comparison so the lack of fruit didn't seem to faze them. All that matters is we had a great time enjoying the gorgeous summer weather, laughing and talking. Another good family bonding moment for the books.

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