Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bay Area Discovery Museum

Today was a gorgeous fall day - azure skies with not a cloud in sight. We took advantage of the 75 degree weather (in SF no less!) and spent the day at the Bay Area Discovery Museum, one of our favorite kiddie places because its educational and fun all at the same time. The last time we were here was New Year's Eve and Lucas was only 3 months old. He definitely enjoyed himself much more this time! As always, Cruz loved digging in the gravel pit, climbing the ship and creating his own art pieces.

Another great day spent as a family creating memories, and for that, I am thankful.
Balancing Act

Enjoying a water feature
Watching bullfrogs blow bubbles
Enjoying the warm weather
Lucas loves music
In the art studio

He had so much fun at the "stream". Cruz loved this area too when he was little :)
Picture perfect weather

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