Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Advent calendar Days 10-18

December continues to fly by at lightning speed and this week was no exception. My cousin Nikki's wedding was this weekend and that added to the chaos, but we survived.

Here are the treats that Cruz and Lucas enjoyed in this week's Advent calendar.

Day 10: Strawberry jam. Cruz still remembers that he ate toast with strawberry jam for breakfast every single day during our vacation in Fiji. This tiny jar was a sweet reminder of that memory.
Mini jar of jam
Kid size

Day 11: Make a gingerbread house

Lucas standing by with the candy for decorating
Had to decorate the next day after letting it set
Day 12: Chocolate covered marshmallow treat

Chocolate is always a good thing
Day 13: Mini laser guns. Boys will be boys!

Boys with their toys before bed
Day 14: Wear your Christmas pjs

Matching jammies in the lobby of the Omni Hotel, ,SF

Day 15: Drink hot chocolate

Single serving of yumminess

Day 16: Watch a Christmas movie. We watched the Polar Express for the first time, and it was great. The animation was really impressive and of course the story line was magical :)

Captive audience
Finally seeing Santa!

Day 17: Self-explanatory. With Christmas just around the corner I wanted to remind Cruz that there are lots of kids out there who don't have anything or very little this holiday season and we have to do what we can to share our good fortune.

Day 18: Quarters! I know this seems random but Cruz loves putting coins in his piggy bank.

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