Monday, January 7, 2013

"Friendliest" time of year

I am so fortunate to work for a company that affords all regular employees a holiday shutdown at the end of each year. We are given fully-paid days off from Christmas to New Year's Day. With the way the holidays fell this year, I was able to have two full weeks off by just using a couple of vacation days. The gift of time is priceless so for that, I am extremely grateful.

During the holiday shutdown each year, I try to balance my time between getting things done around the house and spending quality time with the kids. But the biggest treat? Getting some much-needed "me time". I am a huge proponent of people taking time out for themselves and as a full-time working mother, I know this is not easy to do, BUT it is a necessity. I will never forget when a former boss told me "I am a better mom when I'm a happy mom". That has resonated with me ever since and I try to keep that simple idea in mind. So in years past I have taken my holiday time off and gone to the movies alone, had a spa day by myself, watched TV, napped and read books all day, etc. while the kids were at daycare. It is so liberating and reinstates my sanity!

Another favorite activity this time of year is getting together with friends, which is how I spent the week after Christmas. Here are some snapshots of my time well spent.

Visiting the Legion of Honor for the first time

Beautiful courtyard

Posing obnoxiously by "The Thinker"

Stately hallway

With my old college friends

With cousin Jude in Oakland

With my Ate Sheila

Cousin's lunch at Homeroom in Oakland

Lucas playing with Caroleen at the park
 As someone who counts her blessings, I feel very lucky to have people in my life who make time for me and my family. We are all so busy, including Randy and myself, so I am appreciative of friends who think my friendship is worth spending their valuable time on. What a wonderful way to end my year!

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