Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A LOVE breakfast

In my life B.K. (before kids) I wasn't huge on Valentine's Day, despite having had a significant other all these years. After the first few Valentine's Days, Randy and I decided that we didn't care about exchanging gifts but we just wanted to spend time together on the "holiday". Now that we are parents, we want to continue that line of thinking with our sons. I know there are lots and lots of people who think it's a fake holiday, created by Hallmark, but I don't even think about those things. I choose to focus on the message that it's a day to celebrate love. I have no doubt that my kids know they are loved every single day of the year, but what's wrong with having another fun celebratory day? Spread the love I say!

Last year we had a Love Dinner and it was a big hit with Cruz. I didn't buy any toys, candy or stuffed animals, it was just simply a dinner together as a family with some special touches. This year I decided to do a Love Breakfast since Randy and I had dinner plans for just the two of us. When the kids went to bed the night before, I decorated our kitchen table to set the stage: balloons, heart-shaped doilies strung together on ribbon and the same plates I bought last year. It looked so festive that it probably wouldn't even matter what we ate!
Ready for breakfast
I didn't get a picture of their faces when they saw the table, but they loved it. Lucas pointed and "ooohhed" and made a beeline for the balloons. Cruz just gasped and smiled excitedly - made it worth the little bit of effort.
In keeping with the theme, I tried to serve pink or red foods: strawberries, raspberries, strawberry milk, iced sugar cookies (it's a party after all) and used my cookie cutter to make heart shaped pancakes. I also made scrambled eggs and bacon -  party or not, we need protein!

Mini puzzle and a love note

Listening to Mommy read the card for him and Lucas

My Valentines

Bon appetit!

Lucas-size pancakes

Pancakes are always a win situation
I received so much enjoyment from putting together this simple little breakfast and it was even more satisfying when Cruz and Lucas loved all the details. I don't care what anyone says about Valentine's Day - if it means I get another opportunity to create memories for my family and remind them how much I love them, I'm all for it. I look forward to continuing the tradition for years to come.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

A New Home

After months of searching and waiting we have found our dream home! We always knew our current house in Vacaville would be our starter home and by the time Lucas was born, we were clearly outgrowing the space. Long story short, we are in the process of moving into a spacious new home where we plan to live for many, many years.

Our new abode

The new home is essentially a blank canvas and my mind has been reeling with all the design opportunities and potential. I am realizing what I do and don't like in terms of style, but still learning how to put pieces, patterns and colors together. It is overwhelming at times but so much fun.

I spend a lot of time on Houzz just combing through photos for inspiration. It's an awesome site for anyone interested in remodeling or just reinventing your existing space. I saw this kids room and it was love at first sight. I am drawn to the bright bold colors and I love that they are not blue and green - the stereotypical "boy colors" that I am rather sick of. I also think these are colors that will grow with the children as they get older. I decided to use this exact color scheme and striped design for what will be their playroom.

Super straight lines courtesy of Randy

Cruz getting in on the action

There is an adjoining bedroom to the playroom in jack-and-Jill style;  eventually, when the boys are ready for their own spaces, the playroom will become another bedroom. I wanted the bedroom to be related to the playroom in color but not identical. I chose a taupe-y color for 3 walls, then used the same orange color for a splashy accent wall. I love how it turned out.

Neutral to balance out the bright orange

Painting the accent wall

Cruz testing out the brand new bunks

Stairs are a novelty when you've lived in a one story all your life

Lucas learning to navigate the house
Stay tuned for other home projects...we are excited to see how our new home evolves!

DIY Pizza

I'm always looking for ways to let Cruz get hands-on in the kitchen, so I thought it would be fun to make our own pizzas. I just got a brand new pizza stone from Pampered Chef so even more incentive to try our hand at homemade pies.

First I took the boys to Trader Joe's to buy ingredients. Cruz loves shopping here and Whole Foods because they have kid-sized shopping carts - super cute! I helped him choose the pizza ingredients and he put them in his own cart.

Checking out the dough
Sauce and pepperoni, check!
Once we got home we laid out all the ingredients and let the dough rest. Soon it was time to roll it out and layer on the toppings.

Using some elbow grease

Cruz's favorite part - cheese!

I forgot to take an "after" picture but we were ready to eat! The pizza stone made the crust nice and crispy, with the cheese bubbling on top. Delicious! It may not be as tasty as a pizza shop but it sure was fun making it.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Catholic Schools Week

Last week was Catholic Schools Week, which for Cruz meant a week of fun activities at his preschool. Each school day had a different theme - check out the fun photos!

Monday: Crazy Sock Day

Tuesday: Crazy Hair Day (red spray paint!)

Still a little sleepy but ready for crazy hair

Friday: Crazy Hat Day (yes those are elf ears)

Wednesday mornng was also Parent Appreciation Day. I was planning on taking the morning off, but when I found out it was Randy's regular day off, I thought it would be a perfect opportunity for some one on one daddy - Cruz time. The school hosted a "Parents and Pop Tarts" snack break in the morning. Cruz loved having his dad at school and was excited to show him all the projects he worked on.