Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A LOVE breakfast

In my life B.K. (before kids) I wasn't huge on Valentine's Day, despite having had a significant other all these years. After the first few Valentine's Days, Randy and I decided that we didn't care about exchanging gifts but we just wanted to spend time together on the "holiday". Now that we are parents, we want to continue that line of thinking with our sons. I know there are lots and lots of people who think it's a fake holiday, created by Hallmark, but I don't even think about those things. I choose to focus on the message that it's a day to celebrate love. I have no doubt that my kids know they are loved every single day of the year, but what's wrong with having another fun celebratory day? Spread the love I say!

Last year we had a Love Dinner and it was a big hit with Cruz. I didn't buy any toys, candy or stuffed animals, it was just simply a dinner together as a family with some special touches. This year I decided to do a Love Breakfast since Randy and I had dinner plans for just the two of us. When the kids went to bed the night before, I decorated our kitchen table to set the stage: balloons, heart-shaped doilies strung together on ribbon and the same plates I bought last year. It looked so festive that it probably wouldn't even matter what we ate!
Ready for breakfast
I didn't get a picture of their faces when they saw the table, but they loved it. Lucas pointed and "ooohhed" and made a beeline for the balloons. Cruz just gasped and smiled excitedly - made it worth the little bit of effort.
In keeping with the theme, I tried to serve pink or red foods: strawberries, raspberries, strawberry milk, iced sugar cookies (it's a party after all) and used my cookie cutter to make heart shaped pancakes. I also made scrambled eggs and bacon -  party or not, we need protein!

Mini puzzle and a love note

Listening to Mommy read the card for him and Lucas

My Valentines

Bon appetit!

Lucas-size pancakes

Pancakes are always a win situation
I received so much enjoyment from putting together this simple little breakfast and it was even more satisfying when Cruz and Lucas loved all the details. I don't care what anyone says about Valentine's Day - if it means I get another opportunity to create memories for my family and remind them how much I love them, I'm all for it. I look forward to continuing the tradition for years to come.

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