Thursday, April 25, 2013

Eat your heart out Picasso

One of the rooms we did not paint in our new house is the kitchen. I like how the white walls and lots of natural light make the space feel airy and open. That being said, I did still want to bring in color by the way of rugs, accessories and art work. I've been keeping an eye out for a print or painting,or something I could frame and put over the fireplace in our kitchen and just haven't found anything that throws my hair back. Then yesterday, as I was emptying out Cruz's backpack and admiring all his preschool artwork, I had the a-ha moment: what better art than that made by Cruz? It's bright, colorful, abstract in some cases, and means so much more to me than anything I could buy in a store.

I took a wooden frame that doesn't have glass in it but has wire strung across it in rows, and used clothespins to hang a couple of pieces. Then I took these great art clips and strung it cross the fireplace so I could display a few more. I loved it instantly! Cruz was so excited to see his art work being displayed and it made me feel good to give him that sense of pride in his creations. We will be rotating the art work out as he continues to bring new ones home, and I can't wait to see how our little art gallery continues to evolve.

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