Monday, July 29, 2013

Movies At The Park

Another Villanueva Family first: movie night at the park. To Cruz's delight, the Disney movie Brave was being shown at our community park and he was so excited to watch a movie outdoors! So on Friday night, I packed up some blankets, a mat and some rice krispy treats and bundled up the kids. My sister and family met us there, so Cruz and Jessie settled in to kid-size camping chairs and munched on free popcorn. 

Despite being on the chilly side, it was still a really fun family activity and another great memory for the books.

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Lucas gets cozy with Ninong

Our first time at movie-at-the-park too!


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Learning to bend it like Beckham

Cruz is trying his hand, er, make that foot, at soccer this summer. He didn't express interest in any particular sport so we just sorta chose one for him! We figured we'd find out soon enough if he didn't enjoy it. The good news is that he loves it and is having a blast! The class is for 4 and 5 year olds and they are just so darn cute. They are so little that they are swimming in the jerseys, which only adds to the cuteness.

Roll call
Learning the basics

Squaring up to the goal
Getting the hang of it
Once we confirmed he liked soccer and wanted to continue taking lessons, we picked up cleats and shin guards. Lessons are only on Mondays and he looks forward to it every week. It's so much fun for us to watch him learn and have fun at the same time. It's a busy summer for us working parents but so rewarding. 

Waiting for the whistle

Practicing ball-handling

Go Cruz!

Dad turns 63

This year marks my Dad's 63rd birthday. I am happy to report that he is in great shape and thriving. For those that know my Dad, he has been a runner all his life and he continues to jog 4-5 miles every other day after work. He spends a lot of time tending to his vegetable garden, doing yard work and traveling - and still works full-time. 

On Saturday we took a day trip to the coastal town of Half Moon Bay to celebrate his birthday. We started the day with a visit to the Coastside farmer's market where I picked up veggies, fresh herbs, baked goods and artisanal chocolates. Although we didn't buy any, we admired the gorgeous blooms on
display. Afterwards we strolled down HMB's quaint downtown, popping in and out of shops and window shopping. 

For lunch we headed to the Flying Fish Grill, a restaurant Randy and I discovered on our last visit to HMB. They have a "cheesy crabby bread" appetizer that is garlicky and delicious! After feasting on fish & chips and grilled fish tacos, it was time to stave off the food coma!

With the birthday boy

La Familia

Off we went to Half Moon Bay State Beach. In true HMB form, it was overcast and chilly, but the ocean view was breathtaking. I always find being near the ocean restorative, and to walk/bike along it, did just the trick. 

Family on wheels

Cutie pie


Pacific Coast

Tree grove

All smiles at the beach

It was a low-key celebration, relaxing and just my Dad's style. Happy birthday to a great man!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

First Swimming Lesson

Now that my commute is 30-40 minutes shorter and Randy works so close to home, we are finally able to enroll Cruz in extracurricular activities. First up: swimming lessons at the local community pool. Since he was a little baby he has always loved the water. Aside from that, I think swimming lessons are a must for kids for safety reasons. Cruz was pretty excited to start taking lessons!

Ready to get wet!

Following the instructor

Learning to float

Blowing bubbles
Kick kick kick!

Despite being a cautionary child, Cruz did an excellent job of getting outside of his comfort zone (i.e. letting go of the wall) and followed instructions well. He was bubbling with excitement at the end of class and kept saying how much fun he had. I can't wait to see his progress in the weeks to come.