Sunday, July 21, 2013

First Swimming Lesson

Now that my commute is 30-40 minutes shorter and Randy works so close to home, we are finally able to enroll Cruz in extracurricular activities. First up: swimming lessons at the local community pool. Since he was a little baby he has always loved the water. Aside from that, I think swimming lessons are a must for kids for safety reasons. Cruz was pretty excited to start taking lessons!

Ready to get wet!

Following the instructor

Learning to float

Blowing bubbles
Kick kick kick!

Despite being a cautionary child, Cruz did an excellent job of getting outside of his comfort zone (i.e. letting go of the wall) and followed instructions well. He was bubbling with excitement at the end of class and kept saying how much fun he had. I can't wait to see his progress in the weeks to come.

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