Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Goodbye 2013

Like everyone else, our December was a whirlwind of holiday events, gatherings of family and friends, tables laden with food and lots of new memories made. Some highlights:

Dinner with our dear high school friends. It's surreal sometimes to see our children all together, when once upon a time we were the kids!
Friends from birth
Annual Christmas get-together with our favorite Dizon family. We spend the whole day eating, drinking, laughing, playing games and enjoying each other's company.

Dizon Family

Afternoon tea with the boys and my youngest niece. A different activity for my rough and tumble boys!
Tea time

Baked sweet treats for 5 of our neighbors and delivered these festive goodie plates to them on the 22nd.

Holiday cheer on a plate

This year we were blessed to have Tita Pie (my mom's only sister) and her partner Auntie Annette join us for Christmas. The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed a leisurely walk downtown on a sunny Christmas Eve.

Tati Pie and her grandkids

My two little men and I on Christmas day. Randy had to work...such is life when you're a doctor. It was a reminder that some poor people and their families were less fortunate than ourselves and were spending Christmas day in the hospital; another opportunity to count my blessings.

Merry Christmas!
The day after Christmas my older brother and his family arrived and we got to celebrate his birthday with him!

Calpe Family outing at Six Flags

Calpe cousins

Union Square tree

Family dinner

Unfortunately we spent the first few days of 2014 nursing colds. As a result we didn't party or do much socializing. We stuck close to home, but did do some home organization. Randy put his power tools to work and installed closet shelves for us and the boys. Neatness and order make me happy! 

I am lucky to work for a company that affords me some extra time with family and friends at the end of every year. For me it's always a time of reflection and thanksgiving, for all that I have. I am eager to see what 2014 has in store for us - happy new year!

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