Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Family Resolutions

I personally make New Year's resolutions every year, but this is the first year that Randy and I talked about setting some family goals. Despite having two kids and two full-time jobs plus lengthy commutes, we still wanted to have something to work towards that would keep our family going in a positive direction.

Here they are in no particular order:

1. Attend church at least twice a month. Both of us were raised in the Catholic church and attended mass on a regular basis with our parents. As adults (pre-children) we also attended weekly. However, two kids, medical residency and the aforementioned commutes, this practice has wound up on the back burner.

2. Take our children to at least 3 new places this year. There are no better life lessons than ones found in the real world and we are firm believers in exposing our children to as much as possible. I think it's so important to teach kids that there is a bigger world out there than the house they live in, their families, friends and their immediate community. I want my kids to grow up embracing diversity and appreciating all walks of life and I hope to instill this through travel and new experiences. I just ordered the book "100 Places to Take Your Kids Before They Grow Up" to keep us inspired!

3. "Parents only" time once a month. Commonly known as "date night" I thought it was important to put this one into writing. As all parents know, once children enter the picture, the relationship between spouses often gets overlooked. Add to that the myriad of external stressors such as work, friends, extended family, hobbies, and just plain old not-enough-hours-in-the-day, it's easy to see how marriages can become unglued. Randy and I realize we need to make a conscious effort to nurture our relationship by carving out this little bit of time for ourselves every month.

4. Volunteer as a family. One of my mom's legacies was her love of volunteering. It was an activity that she began with my sister and I from a young age and continued throughout her life. I will never forget the times we volunteered together and what it taught me about other people, my own life and my parents. Rather than constantly telling me I should be thankful for what I had, I realized that on my own as I helped her assemble grocery bags at a food locker where families would come to pick up food and supplies. Although Cruz will only be 4 years old this year, I believe it is never too early to learn gratitude or how to give to others. I am truly excited at the idea of being able to volunteer in some way as a family. For anyone who's interested, there is a great organization called Hands On Bay Area that has virtually every type of volunteering available, all you have to do is sign up and show up!

So there you have it, our 2012 family goals. Wish us luck and check back to see our progress!

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