Monday, January 16, 2012

Firehouse Visit

Yesterday Josie, the two boys and I spent the afternoon in Davis. We met up with two of my friends from work - Caroleen and Francis - and their lovely families, for lunch at the ever-popular Fuji's sushi buffet. After stuffing our bellies we took the kids for a real treat: a visit to one of the local firehouses! It was the first time for nearly all the kids (and adults for that matter), and it was a great experience. The firemen were warm, hospitable and were happy to show the kids the engines, equipment and answer any questions.

The kids got lots of swagg including junior fire chief hats, pencils, activity worksheets, tattoos and bracelets. Cruz loved sitting inside the engine and pretending he was a firefighter!

But his favorite part was seeing all the heavy-duty equipment inside the tool engine.

After the tour, we built our own ice cream sundaes, courtesy of Caroleen. The kids had so much fun chatting with the firemen and asking questions. It was an awesome afternoon and one that I hope Cruz will always remember.

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