Tuesday, March 5, 2013

To the Library We Go

Truly some of my fondest childhood memories are the regular trips we took to the public library. Vallejo had two libraries, the smaller neighborhood Springstowne Library and the larger John F. Kennedy library. My parents took us to both branches depending on other errands being run that day, and to this day, walking into a public library brings me a sense of peace and comfort. My sister and I are still big readers and I have my parents to thank for that foundation.

I started taking Cruz to the library when he was about 2 years old and we make an effort to read to him and Lucas every night. There are tons of articles out there in cyberspace extolling the benefits of reading to children, and I agree with all the reasons (check out the big ticket items here if you're interested). But for me, it boils down to much simpler reasons each night: I love sitting nestled between my sons in our pjs, freshly showered and winding down from the day. I love "unplugging" from technology and the rest of the world, to read about how plants grow, or a day at the beach, or an animal's silly adventure. I like talking about the pictures and hearing their take on the stories. It's another way for me to give my undivided attention to my kids and let them know they are loved.

This past weekend I took Cruz to get his very own library card - I think we were both equally excited! At nearly 5 five years old, Cruz loves becoming more and more independent so this was right up his alley.

Waiting for the librarian to finish a call and help us!

 Now to find some new books to read!

Hmm, wonder what this one is about?
Meanwhile, as Cruz browsed for books, I had my hands full with Mr. Lucas who was on a mission to get to a jar of crayons in the center of a table.

Got 'em!

My little climber who loves to stand on tables
 Before checking out our books, we spent some time playing in the Children's Area with puppets, puzzles and read a few books.

Lucas the animal-lover found a farm puzzle

Checking out the puppets
 Finally we checked out our books. I showed Cruz how to line up the barcodes on the books with the red laser reader and hold the book in place until he hears the "thump", to let him know the book has been checked out. He got such a kick out of this part!

Standing on a stool to reach the checker

I hope Cruz and Lucas will continue to enjoy reading as they get older, and I hope that our trips to the library will become a treasured memory for them just as it is for me.

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