Sunday, June 16, 2013

Larkspur Festival & More

I am a huge fan of street fairs and festivals. I love strolling in the fresh air, checking out what people are peddling and hopefully coming away with unique items. A few weeks ago the fam and I spent a Sunday afternoon at the Larkspur Food and Flower festival. It was a gorgeous day and we had a great time visiting the quaint town.
Street fair fun

Fresh grilled corn - YUM!
Lucas loves corn on the cob

My little cuties

Bouncing like a big boy
Nothing beats fro yo for dessert

I scored three items at the festival - a beautiful Japanese "Red Dragon" maple tree, and two photographs that I'm going to frame for the living room.

Can't wait to watch it grow

Now for some random snapshots of us! Didn't think it warranted a whole post :)
Reppin' the Giants...although I bought them because I liked the "G"
Beanie twins
He loves pulling up a stool and watching the neighborhood go by!

A tender moment that I managed to capture - so sweet and innocent
Lucas' bed head. Don't ask - I have no idea how it does that.
My little guy looking so handsome!
He is naughty but so darn cute!

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