Sunday, June 16, 2013

Cruz the Graduate

In the blink of an eye, the school year is over and my Cruz successfully completed preschool. To commemorate this milestone, his preschool put on a full blown graduation ceremony, complete with caps and tassels, diplomas and a ceremony. I think all graduation ceremonies are impressive, but I have to say, these tiny graduates really take the cake. They stood up on a stage and sang a few songs for the adoring crowd.

After singing a couple of songs, each child was called up one by one to receive his or her diploma. As they walked up, the preschool Director announced what the child said they wanted to be when they grow up. Most girls wanted to be ballerinas, while the boys wanted to be a variety of things. Most notably is the little boy who said he wanted to be a Wal-Mart worker...priceless! To Randy's delight, Cruz said he wanted to be a doctor (we'll see).

Blurry because I was busy cheering and almost missed the shot
Cruz and his fellow graduate and BFF Madi
The proud Grandpa
Love our little guy!
No celebration is complete with chocolate cake

Preschool year done, just 13 more years to go

Cruz is so excited to be on vacation. We've got a busy summer ahead of us, before we know it, I'll be posting about his first day of kindergarten!

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