Monday, July 28, 2014

Summer Days

This summer I've had the luxury of being home because I'm still on sabbatical. It has been such a treat to get this time with both my sons and my nieces. Our days are pretty laid back, and vary from hanging out at home, to park visits, to watching movies, running errands and whatever else strikes our fancy that day. Whether it's mundane or something more exciting, I feel so fortunate to have the gift of time to spend with these kids. Here are snapshots of our day to day.

Grocery shopping with mommy's helpers

Snack break at the park

CPK lunch with the cousins


Play date for the best buds

Kiddie amusement park fun

Train ride

Fun in the sun

Swimming lessons

Goofing around at Ikea

We all scream for ice cream!

Celebrating Lola's birthday

Quality time with the cousins

Lunch time

Massive ice cream sundaes

I jokingly referred to our days as "Camp Titi" (Titi being the name my nieces call me) and "Camp Mommy" since the kids were with me every day. I read somewhere that you only have 18 summers with your kids...sure doesn't seem like much in the grand scheme of things! I will always remember this summer of the sabbatical and all the fun memories we made. I hope they do too.

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