In particular I am grateful to my girlfriends (Christine, Marinel, Darlene, Diana, April, Virina, Violeta) who listened to me complain (a lot) about Randy's ever-changing schedule, empathized about my solo parenting during certain rotations and just allowed me to vent when I needed to. They helped keep me sane and kept me and my kids company when Randy was always at work. I couldn't have asked for better friends - I love you gals!
We also could not have made it without the unconditional support of my sister, Kuya Maynard, Gabby, Jessie and my dad. Countless times they let me come over in the evenings when Randy was working nights, fed us homecooked meals, watched the kids so I could take a shower, and then sent us on our way with more food for the fridge. I'd also come over to their house when Lucas was a newborn and hang out at their house all day just so Cruz could play with his cousins, I'd have help with Lucas and I could even catch up on sleep. And if that wasn't enough, there were times when they would drive to Vacaville and help me at home so I didn't have to go anywhere. The list of what they did and continue to do for us is endless. They have come through for us time and time again...with family like that, I can take on anything life brings.
Of course I can't forget to acknowledge my mother-in-law and goddaughter Josie who would drive to Vacaville 2-3 times a week during Randy's more difficult rotations, after they had already spend the day at school and work. They would come over and help me with the kids so I could shower, make dinner, feed and bathe the kids, pack the diaper bag for the next day, get my work stuff ready and anything else I needed to do. They were an extra pair of hands that I desperately needed! We couldn't have survived those rotations without them.
I know I'm not thanking everyone here but I am truly grateful to this village of loving, caring people who were integral to our family successfully completing this chapter of our lives. We will always remember their efforts and will do whatever we can to return the favors!
And last but not least, cheers to my hardworking and dedicated husband, Dr. Randy Villanueva! I could not have chosen a better father and role model for my two sons. I know you do it all for us - we are the luckiest people in the world to have you! Enjoy this tremendous achievement, you deserve it!
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