Monday, August 13, 2012

Black eyes and tofu

This past weekend was relatively low-key, considering how busy we've been these last few months. Randy worked both days so I was on my own with the two little munchkins. On Saturday I had my usual TNT training which was at Mare Island. It brought back so many memories of my mom and the countless Saturday mornings when she dragged us to Mare Island to walk with her. There were plenty of times that I didn't want to go and wished I could just sleep in like a normal person, but now I am grateful to have those memories of time spent with her. It's funny how that works out.

After my training (4 miles by the way - woohoo!), the boys and I attended our little buddy Evan's 4th birthday party in Vallejo. Evan's parents are my friends from high school, so it's always great to celebrate these special occasions with old friends. 

 Lucas wasn't too crazy about the party hat.

Cruz and the handsome birthday boy waiting for yummy cake.

Sunday was more of a lazy day, with me just running a few errands and tidying up around the house. At one point in the morning I was lounging on the couch and Lucas crawled on to my lap. I look over at him and burst out laughing at his fluffy, crazy hair. I have no idea why his hair grows so haphazardly but it certainly gives him character!

 After lunch I loaded the kids up in the car and we drove down to Benicia to check out an open house. As we walked through the house I happened to glance down at Cruz. To my surprise he suddenly had a black eye! I asked him what happened and he said he walked into the corner of the counter in the kitchen. I wouldn't have even known if his little face hadn't been bruised. Luckily it didn't hurt much because he never cried or yelled out. Naturally I had to take a picture of it (lol).

I know he looks sad in this picture but I actually told him not to smile so I could get a better view of the bruise. He was still my happy little camper despite the incident.

Another little milestone worth mentioning was last night Lucas had his first "big boy" meal, meaning no baby rice cereal or veggie puree that he's been eating for the last 4 months. He increasingly has shown interest in table food and loves it when we feed him little morsels of whatever we're eating. Now that he has so many more teeth coming in he's gotten better at chewing and swallowing correctly, so I could tell that he was ready to begin the transition to regular food. Last  night I made him what Rachel Ray would call a "stoup" - thicker than soup but not quite a stew. I used organic vegetable broth, brown rice, carrots and tofu. I simmered it for about 40 minutes on the stove to thicken it and get the veggies nice and soft so they'd be easy to eat. 

Lucas loved it! He couldn't eat it fast enough. My little guy sure is growing up fast! So, another summer weekend has come and gone. Next weekend we are having Randy's graduation luncheon so stay tuned for that post. Happy Monday and a good week to all!

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