Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of Preschool

The day finally arrived for my firstborn son to begin his education - August 27 was Cruz's first day of preschool! We spent so much time prepping for the big day and had numerous conversations, that when it finally rolled around Cruz took it all in stride. Of course we started the day with some pictures to commemorate the important event.

After a breakfast of pancakes, tangerines and a glass of milk, we piled into the car and headed off to school. When we arrived we were met by my dad or "Apam" as he's affectionately called by his grandkids. He has created the tradition of coming to all of his grandchildren's first days of preschool (so sweet!).

We walked Cruz into the preschool, where he was greeted by some friendly staffers, and he proceeded to go and hang his backpack on his designated hook.

After getting his name tag from his teacher, Ms. Nina, I showed him again where the bathroom and water fountain were located, and then it was time for goodbyes. Some sage parents had advised me to keep things short and sweet, and not to linger too long, or else the child may become clingier. So I knelt down, told Cruz we were leaving but that we'd be back to pick him up soon. We snapped a couple more pictures and then we hugged and kissed our boy goodbye.

In true Cruz form, he was so, so, so good and didn't cry, resist or make a fuss. He simply said "ok, bye, I love you" and that was it.

After a few hours, we returned to pick him and he was all smiles and seemed like such a pro already. His friend from daycare Madi is in class with him on Mondays, so he had a familiar face to play with.

 I am so proud of my son and his ability to rationalize, process and adapt to new situations. He is so even-keeled (just like his father!) that he makes our jobs as parents so much easier and enjoyable. I can't wait to watch him learn, grown and blossom throughout the coming school years.

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