Friday, March 29, 2013

A House Becomes a Home

We have been in our new place for just over a month now, and much to my relief, it is now feeling like home. I had a momentary panic attack when at the end of our first week after the move, Randy said it felt like home to him already, when it definitely didn't feel that way to me. Luckily, time has assuaged those feelings. We have unpacked 90% of our belongings and have slowly begun adding the little touches that are making it feel like ours. I am still deciding what accessories from the old house I will still use here, but I am having so much fun finding new things in the meantime!

I got this super cute map of the United States to hang up in the kid's bedroom. It came with stickers so kids can mark off where they've been, but I also like pointing out to Cruz the states we have relatives in. He loves looking at the map and asking what the state names are.

Originally I planned to buy duvet covers for the bunk beds that weren't too "little kid" so they could grow into them. But then I spotted this adorable quilt and matching shams at Target one day and knew Cruz would love it. You can't see in this picture but I paired them with this awesome sheet set from Pottery Barn Kids. The top bunk has this whimsical polka dot duvet set, which works out nicely with the room colors. I didn't want the room to be too matchy-matchy since they are little boys after all and I wanted it to be fun more than anything else. 
On a recent Costco run, Cruz asked if he could get this stuffed animal pillow called a Dream Lite, because it projects stars onto the ceiling of a dark room. I agreed because I want him to be as comfortable as possible in his own room since he sleeps alone down the hall from us, and I have to admit, it's pretty awesome when it's all lit up at night! I tried to snap a picture, but it looks so much better in person.

Twinkle twinkle

My most exciting project so far has been creating a runner to go around the island in the kitchen using FLOR carpet tiles. If you haven't heard of them before, you have to check out their website, it's so great! It's an innovative concept with tons of options for creating your own rugs, runners, wall-to-wall carpeting, or anything else you can think of. I also love that it's eco-friendly and made from various recycled and renewable sources and is very low in VOCs. After combing through their catalog and website, I settled on this style that is ideal for high traffic areas.

Style: Mild-Mannered Color: Thyme

Here's the finished project - a custom runner that wraps around the side and back of my kitchen island. Now I don't need fussy kitchen rugs that never stay in place and just don't cover enough floor space. I am IN LOVE with these FLOR tiles and I'm already thinking of what else I want to do with them!

Side of island next to stove

Behind the island

Last weekend we also had the house blessed by a priest from my childhood parish, St. Catherine of Siena. It was a very small affair with just family and a few friends. I don't know that I consider myself a practicing Catholic per se, but it felt good nonetheless to have both the spiritual blessing and the warmth brought in by loved ones.

These are just some of the little things we've done in our first month but they've made all the difference in making this new abode more welcoming, personable and feel like ours. Since there is still quite a bit of furnishing to do, I'm looking forward to the summer months when I can check out the Alameda Antique fair, Treasure Island flea market and other venues to find those one of a kind pieces. Stay tuned for rmore domestic fun and adventure :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lucas likes it!

One of the biggest differences between my two boys is their approach to food. When I became a parent I knew I wanted my kids to be exposed to a variety of foods and I didn't want them to only eat "kid food" like mac and cheese, hot dogs or chicken nuggets (which I do still indulge them with from time to time). Growing up I wasn't really allowed to eat these things and my mom also did not cater to us. Whatever she cooked is what we ate, and there were no other options. While I wouldn't call Cruz a picky eater, he is hesitant to try new foods and tends to prefer the same foods in rotation. He obliges with the mother's cliche - "don't say you don't like something until you've tried it" - and usually doesn't like it! I'm happy that he likes enough fruits, vegetables and whole grains that he eats balanced, nutritious meals and snacks, but I marvel that he doesn't get bored.

Lucas on the other hand is quite the foodie! He will try anything I give him and usually likes everything. The only thing I can recall that he didn't like is raw jicama sticks; otherwise, the boy is game. Here are some pics I've collected of my little gastronome and his curious tastebuds.
Taking guacamole to the face


Korean bi bim bap

Dried seaweed

All-fruit breakfast smoothie

Even Peking duck!

California roll
As someone who considers herself a foodie, I hope he will always be open to try new things. I am committed to continue introducing him to new tastes, flavors and textures so he will grow up to love the wide world of food out there. I have also begun researching different options for our own vegetable and herb gardens and I can't wait to involve both the boys in that fun project.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Lions, tigers and bears oh my!

This past Christmas we received a family membership to the San Francisco Zoo from our great friends, the Kroll family. IMHO, this is the BEST type of gift our family or our kids can receive - something that gives them an experience and allows us to create happy memories. Needless to say we were thrilled to receive this generous gift!

Despite spending a lot of our recreational time in the city, we have never visited the SF Zoo before, so it was exciting for all of us. Unfortunately, Randy couldn't join us on our inaugural visit since he was working, but my sister and family tagged along for the fun. I was especially excited for Lucas because he is already an animal-lover and I couldn't wait for him to see the animals in real life.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day, brilliant blue skies and full sunshine to warm up the slightly chilly air. I couldn't have asked for better weather. Our first stop was the majestic giraffes which we were all in awe of. They were so graceful and beautiful in person.

While Lucas seems to love all animals, he gets especially excited by birds - here he is inside the aviary - so funny!


Cruz and Jessie trying to avoid bird poop

Inside the old Pachyderm hall is now a dinosaur exhibit. It's very educational with a lot of hands on things for kids to learn about dinosaurs. The only problem is the permeating old stench of elephant dung...I could only take it for so long!
Newly hatched baby dino

Making dinosaur tracks

Seeing a rhinoceros for the first time (for both of us!)

Me and my little koala bear

Such a fun day!

Wild things


There is a huge showstopper of a fountain in the zoo and it was the perfect place to take a break and snap some pictures. My little guys are growing up so fast, I can't help but take tons of pictures so I can alway look back and remember them at each stage in their life.

Me and my boys
 I love, love, love this picture of the 4 kids. I am so thankful that they have each other and are growing up side by side. I hope they will always stay close and be like brothers and sisters.

We spent the whole day at the zoo and still didn't get to the Children's Zoo with the carousel and petting farm. But I guess that's the beauty of having a membership, we can go back any time we want. We'll definitely be making return trips, especially since Randy wasn't able to join us. It's such a great way to get the whole family "unplugged", enjoy the fresh air and have quality time together, while also being educational for the kids. Talk about a win-win!

Playing with his zoo souvenirs

Jessica's 7th birthday

We celebrated my youngest niece's 7th birthday recently with a Hawaiian-inspired party. Not only do Jessie and her sister love vacationing in Hawaii, they are also Tahitian dancers so the island theme was very appropriate.

Jessica is funny, quirky and super sweet and I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays to come!

The adorable birthday girl


It's not a party without cake

Super cute banner made by my sister

The festive party room!

CD favors of island grooves

Dad and his daughters

Me and my big boy

Cheeese! Rockin' his Kuya's old Hawaiian shirt

Jessie loves her baby cousin

Cute little girls plus a photobomber

Proud grandfather

How cute are my nieces?!

Villanueva Four

She gets it from her "Titi"

Dad and his grandkids

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Great Cruzini

Straw hat + superhero cape + wand = Cruz's version of a magician. I love his imagination.

Friday, March 8, 2013


Saw this on the wall at preschool, and felt instantly validated as a mother. There is an often used quote that says "there is no greater treasure than to love and be loved". Of all the things in the world, this is the only treasure I want to give my children, and when I read this, I feel like I've done just that.

Pancakes and Pajamas

In celebration of the letter "P" (the current letter of the week at preschool), it was Pancakes and Pajama Day. Now that's what I call casual Friday.

No Daycare, No Problem

We have been extremely blessed to have an amazing daycare provider who has taken care of both our boys. Ms. N is loving, caring, flexible and completely accommodating. There is nothing sweeter to a working mom!
A few weeks ago Ms. N told us she needed to take an emergency trip to the Philippines for a family crisis and would be gone for two weeks. Not gonna lie, although I supported her family commitment 100%, I had a panic attack thinking of what we would do for two weeks without our life line! Luckily I was able to call on our "village" and my mother-in-law and Kuya Maynard came to the rescue and were able to watch the boys for us for several days.

For my part, I took yesterday and today off. I have a very demanding project at work right now and it is less than ideal to be out of the office, but I quickly put things into perspective: I am super lucky to work for a company that allows me the flexibility to take care of my family, no questions asked. And what's so bad about being "forced" to take time off and spend it with my kids? Maybe this was life's way of telling me to slow things down and enjoy the present.

So for our "Thursday Fun Day with Mommy" (yes I named it that) I took the kids to Habitot, for a playdate with Cruz's best bud Doren. Here are some pics from our fun day yesterday:

They take their jobs seriously

Lucas enjoying his first visit to Habitot

Can't go wrong with water play

Snack break

Everyone was done snacking except for one
The kids had a blast and on the way home, Cruz told me he "wished we could have days like this more". That was enough confirmation for me that even the unexpected curve balls can be made into positive experiences and I just need to let go and enjoy life as it happens.