Monday, March 25, 2013

Jessica's 7th birthday

We celebrated my youngest niece's 7th birthday recently with a Hawaiian-inspired party. Not only do Jessie and her sister love vacationing in Hawaii, they are also Tahitian dancers so the island theme was very appropriate.

Jessica is funny, quirky and super sweet and I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays to come!

The adorable birthday girl


It's not a party without cake

Super cute banner made by my sister

The festive party room!

CD favors of island grooves

Dad and his daughters

Me and my big boy

Cheeese! Rockin' his Kuya's old Hawaiian shirt

Jessie loves her baby cousin

Cute little girls plus a photobomber

Proud grandfather

How cute are my nieces?!

Villanueva Four

She gets it from her "Titi"

Dad and his grandkids

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