Friday, March 8, 2013

No Daycare, No Problem

We have been extremely blessed to have an amazing daycare provider who has taken care of both our boys. Ms. N is loving, caring, flexible and completely accommodating. There is nothing sweeter to a working mom!
A few weeks ago Ms. N told us she needed to take an emergency trip to the Philippines for a family crisis and would be gone for two weeks. Not gonna lie, although I supported her family commitment 100%, I had a panic attack thinking of what we would do for two weeks without our life line! Luckily I was able to call on our "village" and my mother-in-law and Kuya Maynard came to the rescue and were able to watch the boys for us for several days.

For my part, I took yesterday and today off. I have a very demanding project at work right now and it is less than ideal to be out of the office, but I quickly put things into perspective: I am super lucky to work for a company that allows me the flexibility to take care of my family, no questions asked. And what's so bad about being "forced" to take time off and spend it with my kids? Maybe this was life's way of telling me to slow things down and enjoy the present.

So for our "Thursday Fun Day with Mommy" (yes I named it that) I took the kids to Habitot, for a playdate with Cruz's best bud Doren. Here are some pics from our fun day yesterday:

They take their jobs seriously

Lucas enjoying his first visit to Habitot

Can't go wrong with water play

Snack break

Everyone was done snacking except for one
The kids had a blast and on the way home, Cruz told me he "wished we could have days like this more". That was enough confirmation for me that even the unexpected curve balls can be made into positive experiences and I just need to let go and enjoy life as it happens.

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